
Monday, March 14, 2011

spotlight: david perry


I'm David Perry from David Perry Films. Me in two words? Authentic and altruistic. I put others at ease because I'm accepting and committed to their best interests.

I've had a job since I was 12 years old. I'm determined and persistent. Having lived in France and Japan for three years, I've come to appreciate and respect that we all have different opinions and ways to do things. I play well with others because I'm optimistic and willing to defer ego for collective success. I'm extremely observant and pay attention to what others need.

I'm married to Danielle Maria Oram from Canada and we have two energetic sons, Drew (almost 4 yrs old) and Hudson (15 months). Danielle is kind and full of wisdom & understanding. Drew is super smart and loves cars. Hudson is easy going and happy as a lark.  We live in Daybreak and I love everything about families. One of the best ways I've found to strengthen families is to film weddings. I've specialized in LDS Temple wedding videos for the past ten years. I love it. I also produce films that help those without families which has taken me to Africa, Mexico, Guatemala and Ukraine. I donate my services four weeks each year for humanitarian work with an emphasis on the international orphan crisis and have been featured at the U.N. in NYC for the past three years. I've been fortunate enough to receive the WEVA International Community Service Award, "Best of State" for documentary films and five Telly Awards. I'd like to produce my next film on HIV orphans and the misconceptions surrounding them so let me know if you are interested in joining me. I need help with research, screen writing, filming, editing and PR.

I love continuing education, self improvement and helping our industry grow. In the past year, I've presented worldwide on "Creating Connections that Book Weddings" from Boston to Ukraine. You can see my TV segment called "Creating Connections" on (KUTV4) every Sunday at 9:30 am. I was recently named one of the "Top 25 Most Influential Event Filmmakers in the World" for the second year in a row by the 40,000 filmmakers who subscribe to EventDV Magazine.

I excel in an environment that includes interaction, variety and fun. You'll enjoy working with me.

Some of my favorite quotes are:

"The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white, neither need you do anything but be yourself"
-Lao Tzu

"A rising tide lifts all boats."

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